
Controls are the Windows and Buttons in a Windows program which are capable of receiving input from the user. The following is a sample of some of the more common controls.

Note: Controls are shown in a "grayed" state when they are disabled and unavailable for input.

The Button Control:

Clicking on a Button causes the command associated with the button to be executed by the program.

The Edit Control:

The Edit Control accepts input and displays output. This control is often associated with a column in a datasource.

The List Box Control:

The List Box is a combination of the Edit Control and List Control (see below). The Edit portion is used to enter data directly in the same manner as the Edit Control. Alternatively, the list portion can be used to select an entry by clicking on an item within the list via the mouse. The selected entry is then placed into the Edit portion as if it had been typed in. To add items to a List Box, place the cursor in the edit portion and type in the values to be inserted, then press the INSERT key. Note: List boxes that are used to display and control acceptable ranges of entries do not allow insertions.

The Combo Box Control:

The Combo Box is an edit control with a down arrow on the right side. Clicking on this arrow causes a list of options to be displayed in a List Box. The difference between the Combo Box and the List Box is the List portion of a Combo Box is only displayed when you click on the Down Arrow.


Grid Control:

The Grid Control is similar in appearance and functionality to a spread sheet. The Grid consists of Columns and Rows. Often the data in the Grid displays and allows changes to rows and columns of a particular table in a datasource. The Grid Control shown above is contained within the DETAILS TAB Control. (Tab Controls allow forms to contain multiple pages that can be selected by clicking on the name of the Tab.)

The size of a column and its inclusion for viewing can be modified by the user. CCS TK remembers these changes and makes their results be the default for future sessions:

Size: In the HEADER row of a GRID, move the mouse to the column that you want to make wider or narrower. Move the mouse cursor to the line separating this column from the next column. When the mouse cursor changes to a horizontal double arrow, hold down the left key of the mouse and drag the line to the desired location. The column will be widened or narrowed (depending on the direction you dragged the line) as soon as you release the left button.

Inclusion: You can opt to hide or un-hide columns in any GRID. Right click anywhere on the GRID and select the Show/Hide Columns option. A window pops up showing all of the columns in the currently selected GRID. Check or uncheck the boxes to the left of each column name to hide or un-hide a column. Click on OK to return to the GRID. The columns will be shown as selected.

Note:The Values in Column and Row headers generally cannot be modified (the dark green areas shown above); however, some of the Grids in the CCS Accounting Programs allow entry in these row headers by pressing SHIFT-TAB to "back tab" into the column. This sometimes allows you to search for and select a particular item. In the above example from the Training EVENTS Detail Section, pressing SHIFT-TAB while the cursor is located in the CREW column would move the cursor to the EMPLOYEE Column. Once located in the EMPLOYEE column, you can search the Grid for a particular EMPLOYEE by entering the EMPLOYEE# in the column and pressing <Enter>. If the EMPLOYEE exists, the cursor will be moved to the line containing the requested EMPLOYEE; if the EMPLOYEE does not exist, the cursor will be moved to the bottom of the Grid and the Add mode will be invoked.

List Control:


The List control is similar to the Grid control; however, it generally does not allow data entry. All List Controls used in the CCS Accounting Programs can be sorted on any column by clicking on the Column heading. Often The List Control can be used to select or delete an associated record in the datasource.

Note: The size of a column and its inclusion for viewing can be modified by the user. See GRIDS for details.

Max Rows:

Some List controls allow you to determine the maximum number of rows (records) that will be loaded into the list. Changing this value and pressing ENTER or moving out of the control will cause the list to be reloaded.


Note: The above information is presented only an an aid in understanding the terms used throughout this manual. For more in-depth coverage of these topics, please refer to the Windows Help Pages on your start menu.

Note: The Colors used by the controls in all CCS Accounting Program can be modified via the Profiles Dialog.