Data Sources


This is an Advanced Topic. You do not need to understand any of the information presented below in order to use the CCS Accouning program. This information is provided primarily for System Administrators or MI personnel and is provided for those who seek a deeper understanding of the CCS data management tools.

CCS Accounting uses ADO (Active Data Objects) and ODBC (see below) to gain access to a myriad of Database Management Systems (DBMS). The first time you run a CCS Program, two Microsoft Access ODBC data sources, named CCSCNTRL and CCSDATA, are created. You can view these two definitions via the Windows Control Panel.

The CCSCNTRL datasource contains Tables (see below) that are shared and utilized by all CCS Accounting Modules (applications). CCSDATAXX (where XX equals your company number) contains the data tables that are normally not shared between modules. Multiple Companies can (and generally should) use a separate data source. For example, COMPANY# 10 and COMPANY# 20 should use data source CCSDATA10 and CCSDATA20 respectively. (Note: All tables for companies can be kept separately within a single data source if desired. See COMPANY Form for details.)

CCS can support an infinite number of data sources; however, additional data sources (i.e., data sources other than CCSDATA) must be set up via the Control Panel. When you define a COMPANY via the COMPANY Form, you should use the "AUTO" mode and let the program automatically create a datasource to be used by the new company. A data source need not be local: it can be a source that is accessed via a gateway or even a TCP/IP connection to a data source an ocean away. (Note: The trial version does not support dial up connections.)

The Microsoft Access ODBC driver is a very capable, network ready DBMS driver. However, it cannot efficiently handle very large databases over networks, nor is it a client/server driver. Therefore, if you need better efficiency over a network or would like to upgrade to a client/server DBMS, CCS recommends Microsoft SQL Server. An ODBC driver for SQL Server has already been installed for you by the CCS Setup program. To utilize this driver and make the switch to SQL Server, you must first install SQL Server 6.5 or later (available from Microsoft or most any software reseller) . After SQL Server is installed, simply redefine the two datasources (CCSCNTRL, and CCSDATA) as SQL Server data sources via the ODBC panel (Windows Control Panel) . For more assistance in setting up alternate data sources please contact CCS. Once installed, the CCS Accounting shell will automatically make the necessary internal changes to provide full client/server support.


Definitions :

Client/Server: See Client Server databases.

Column: A column defines the data type, size, and other attributes of one field of a row (record) of data. All columns taken as a set define a row (record) in the database. An individual column contains data related in type and purpose throughout the table; that is, a column's definition does not change from row to row. A good visual representation of a table, row and column might be that of a spreadsheet. The Column (field) runs vertically, the Row (record) runs horizontally, and the spreadsheet page itself is the table. Although not exact (individual cells under a particular column in a spread sheet may be defined differently), this analogy provides a good representation of these terms.

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity): A standard protocol that permits applications to connect to a variety of external database servers or files.

ODBC data source: A term used to refer to a database or database server used as a source of data. ODBC data sources are referred to by their Data Source Name (DSN). Data sources can be created by using the Windows Control Panel.

ODBC driver: A dynamic-link library (DLL) used to connect to a specific OBDC data source.

ODBC Driver Manager: An application that manages connections between ODBC-enabled data sources and the drivers used to access them.

SQL: Structured Query Language (SQL). A standard language used to communicate instructions to DBMS.

Table: The basic unit of data storage in a relational database. A table stores data in records (rows) and fields (columns) and usually pertains to a particular category of things, such as EMPLOYEES or PARTS.


The tables of the CCSCNTRL datasource are shared amoung all companies and are as follows:

  • COMPANY -- Contains the information you enter via the Company Dialog including banking info. and signatures for all Companies.
  • DATASOURCES -- Contains the information needed to link a company to a particular company Level datasource.
  • FIELDS -- Contains the properties (definitions) of all columns and rows used by all Companies. This file is automatically built up from various .INI files.
  • TABLES - Contains the table names and certain properties of all tables used by all Companies. This file is automatically built up from various .INI files.
  • MODULES -- Contains a list of all modules used by the CCS Accounting Series. This file is automatically built up from various .INI files.
  • VALIDATION -- Contains a list of all validation rules used by all Companies. This file is automatically built up from various .INI files.
  • REPORTING_FILTER -- Contains the information entered at the criteria screen for all companies. (The sorting and selection info. used for criteria based reporting.)
  • FILTER_CRITERIA -- Contains the information entered via the "Filter" buttons on certain dialogs that allow advanced filtering of the list of records associated with that dialog.
  • BATCH_REPORT -- Contains the definitions of all report batches for all Companies.