Fields (Columns) Entry/Edit Form Advanced Topic: The information below is presented for advanced users only who wish to configure CCS Accounting in a manner other than the default configuration provided. The Columns Sub Form:
Note: If you plan on adding a new column via this Sub-Form please see the information in the CCSFiles_ModuleName.ini File (where ModuleName is replaced by the actual name of the target module, e.g., Payroll, GL, TK, etc.). The most common usage of this dialog is to change the Required flag, display length, Validation Name, Precision or Help Text for a column. Use the Record Movement buttons to change the active record. Click Display List to show a complete listing of all Columns currently defined. Double-clicking on any line item in the generated list will select that record in the main Form.
Module is Presently ignored. Select any module from the drop down list. The Table Name of the Table within the Datasource that this Column resides in. The Column Name of the Column within the Table within the Datasource. Select a data type from the drop-down list. A "Best Batch" translation is performed by The CCS Accounting Shell to accommodate each individual ODBC driver. Most datatypes within the drop-down list should be self explanatory except perhaps for the following: CHAR:INT -- This type will be stored as NUMERIC (SQL TYPE 2) in most data sources; however, it will be stored as Character in data sources that do not support NUMERIC. In that event, the CCS Accounting Program will internally convert the column's value to perform mathematical calculations. It is recommend that the SHORT, INTEGER, CURRENCY, or REAL data types be used for numeric values if possible. SHORT:HAM -- This type will be stored as a SHORT in datasources that support SHORT; otherwise a best match will be found. The HAM refers to HOURS AS MINUTES. The value stored on the data source will be a value in minutes; however, any column within the CCS Accounting Program that utilizes the Column will convert the value to HOURS and display the Hourly value. This conversion is both read/write and automatic. This data type is handy to insure that hourly decimals are rounded to an exact number of minutes. (1.27 hours will be stored as 76 minutes not 76.2 minutes.) The precision is the total length of the data type in the Datasource. Many types, such as SHORT, COUNTER, etc., do not allow specification and this value will be ignored. If this is a NUMERIC type, then the precision defines total lengths both right and left of the decimal including the decimal itself. For CHAR types this is the total maximum length for the Text Column. Scale specifies the number of digits to the right of the Decimal for numeric types. This value is also used within the CCS Accounting Program to determine the Minimum Length of Character columns. The Display Length is used by the CCS Accounting Program when displaying the Columns data on a Form (or List/Grid etc.). This is the maximum length that will be displayed. Also this is the maximum length that will be accepted from the user for CHAR or TEXT types. The attributes Column is an encoded column that is parsed by the CCS Accounting Shell to create Indexes, Primary and Foreign keys, and Validation Method associations. The first item to be specified is indexing. It must precede all other keywords. The options are as follows:
Following the index type is one of the following: No Entry: (Blank) There are no other attributes for this Column. The R: TAG is a lead into a required Validation Method. With this tag, this column must be completed and it must pass the validation specified by VALIDATION NAME wherever it appeares. To change the validation rule that is associated with a column simply change the value in VALIDATION NAME. Note: Do not enclose in square brackets []. The Column shown above utilizes the VALIDATION RULE -- EMPLOYEE_NO_PKF. Tip: The easiest way to find the validation rule associated with a particular control is to Right Click in the control. Select VALIDATION from the context menu. If no validation for the column exists you will be asked if you wish to create one. If you click YES the define mode will be initiated for the VALIDATION FORM. After completing the rule the CCS Program will perform the steps necessary to associate the Validation rule to the Column, and all controls associated with the Column. V:[VALIDATION NAME]: Same as above, but the column is not required unless overridden by checking the Required checkbox in either the Column Form or Validation Form. Note: Which required check box you check to make a column required determines the error message that is given to the user when a column is not completed. Checking the Required Check box in the Column Form will generate the message "COLUMN NAME is a required column", whereas checking the REQUIRED check box in the VALIDATION form will generate the message that is specified in the ERROR MESSAGE of the VALIDATION FORM. N: Same as no entry above. This column allows entry of up to 256 characters and allows you to specify the actual text used for POPUP help (Shift-F1 help or What's This help). This can be changed at any time and takes effect the next time the program is restarted.
Note : If the Fields Table has been damaged or altered and is not functional, then Drop the Fields Table in the datasource (Normally CCSCNTRL) and rerun the CCS Accounting Program. A new Fields Table will be created as currently specified by the CCS File_ModuleName.ini file. Any configuration changes made to the Columns will be lost when you Drop the Fields Table and replace it with the values in the CCSFile_ModuleName.ini file.