The Utilities Dialog: Consist of three reevaluation routines and two update TAGS routines. As shown the EVENTS reevaluation, the Match EMPLOYEE files and the Add Tags routine will be run upon clicking OK. Any and all combinations of these utilities can be run together.
When you select Training, and press OK the CCS Training Program will reevaluate all training requirements for all EMPLOYEES. The Training Status table will be updated to reflect the any changes. This routine should be run from time to time to insure all training is up to date. Any time you add/edit or delete EMPLOYEES, TAGS or tittles and do not allow the individual evaluation routines to run, the training status table gets out of date. This routine brings the training requirements back to a current state.
When you select EVENTS, and press OK the CCS Training Program will reevaluate all training completion's and scheduling that has occurred via the EVENTS . The Training Status table will be updated to reflect the training. This routine should be run from time to time to insure all training is up to date. Any time you add/edit or delete EVENTS and do not allow the EVENTS evaluation routines to run, the training status table gets out of date. This routine brings the training completion's back to a current state.
This option is used for those who are running an older CCS Payroll or TK program. When you select EMPLOYEE Files, and press OK the CCS Training Program will "match" the TEMPLOYEES and TKCREWS table in the training module to the Pay_Emp.d?? and Tkcrews.d?? files of your older payroll system. This routine should be run from time to time to insure all EMPLOYEE and CREW records in the training program reflect any edits made in the older Payroll/TK programs. This routine automatically adds or removes TAGS in the EMPLOYEES TAGS list as required when a change is sensed in an EMPLOYEES CREW, CRAFT or CLASS. Note: All EMPLOYEES added in the older CCS files are automatically added to the Training program during the startup processes of the training program. This Routine is used only to insure edits made to existing EMPLOYEES are brought into the training module. When you enter a valid TAG in the Add TAGS edit control and click OK the CCS Training Program will add the TAG to all EMPLOYEES who meet the range criteria of the TAG being added. For Example: If you have defined the TAG 'ELEC' and entered a CREW range of 2203 to 2203, and entered 'ELEC' in the ADD TAGS control, and clicked OK, then TAG 'ELEC will be given to all EMPLOYEES who are in CREW 2203. Note: Before the TAG is added it is first removed from all EMPLOYEES. This insures the TAG will not be duplicated, as well as insuring the TAG is given only to those who should have it. When you enter a valid TAG in the Remove TAGS edit control and click OK the CCS Training Program will remove the TAG from all EMPLOYEES. No ranges are used in this removal, the TAG is simply removed from all EMPLOYEES irregardless of the CREW, CLASS, or CRAFT assignments.