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Cover - Client Copy Cover w/Side Tabs - White
Cover - Client Copy Cover with side staple tabs - White
| 80424 |
Use this white tax return cover for a classic presentation to your client. It features a summary of information plus safe storage instructions on the front. New side tabs now make it easy to secure up to 30 pages inside. Compatible mailing envelopes can provide added security for mailing. This cover is available on smooth 80lb cover stock and measures 8 3/4" x 11 1/2" when folded.
Use envelope 2246 for smaller returns and envelope 2262 for larger returns.
We verify orders.
In addition to standard credit card verification procedures which insure the credit card is not stolen, we also verify the computer IP address, phone numbers, etc., to ensure the person placing the order is not doing so for fraudulent purposes. We work with all applicable agencies to prevent and/or report fraudulent or suspicious activity.