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Preprinted Laser, Multipurpose Middle Check (81013)
Preprinted Laser, Multipurpose Middle Check (81013)
| L8101314 |
Order this laser multi-purpose check and we'll print your company and bank information. You print variable data with your accounting software for a complete check. We can also print your logo, please call us for details. Prices include standard imprinting. Each 8 1/2" x 11" sheets contains 1 middle check and 2 stubs and is constructed of 24# paper. Indicate your color preference below.
The following vendors and/or software providers are shown to utilize this product.
| 1099-ETC (AMS) | ACCPAC - ProSeries | ACCPAC - Vision Point | ACCPAC- Exec Series | AME Software | American Contractor | Axium - Protrax | Business Works | CBS Software | Cheque-Mate Intl - Insta-Pay | Client Ledger System | Columbusoft | Comet Consturction | Competition Software | ComputerEase | Continental Business Sys | Cougar Mountain Software | Countryside | Creative Solutions Inc | DATAIR | Easy Payroll Plus | Franklen | GBS, Inc. | Great Plains - 6.1 - 9.0 | Juris | Landtech Services | Libra Legal Systems | Lttax | MAS 200 | MAS 500 | MAS 90 | MBA | Midas Systems Corp | nP Systems-ATF Payroll | Parish Data Systems | Payroll Compan (Win) | PC Mars | Peachtree - Ver 2002-2006 | Peachtree - Ver 2-9 | Peachtree Complete V5-10/2007 | Peachtree First Acctg | Peachtree Premium | Perfect Account | Phoenix Phive - Industrial | Phoenix Phive - Payroll | Plenary Systems | Pro Tym Systems | Professional Design | Red Wing Software | SBT | SCS/Compute | Semaphore | Softpro | Software Control | Source One | State of the Art-Bus Work | State of the Art-MAS 90 | Taxware Systems Inc | Timberline | Wind2 |
voucher checks,blue,burgundy,gray,green,tan
Customers who bought this item also bought
Preprinted Laser Deposit Tickets (810891)
Laser deposit slips. Order this laser deposit ticket and we'll print your company and bank information. Prices include standard imprinting. Each 8 1/2" by 11" sheet contains one laser deposit ticket. We can also print your logo, call us for details. Compatible with Quickbooks. |
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LOGO - Black and White
One time charge to print your custom black & white logo along with your preprinted checks. The following types of electronic files are accepted and are listed in their order of preference. Secure Checks reserves the right to decline any logo that would create a poor quality finished product.
.ps, .tif, .bmp or .jpg
Please send an original high quality image. You do not need to reduce it in size, we will do that here to better ensure full quality. If you purchase a logo on your preprinted check please e-mail the electronic file to us at orders@securechecks.com. |
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We verify orders.
In addition to standard credit card verification procedures which insure the credit card is not stolen, we also verify the computer IP address, phone numbers, etc., to ensure the person placing the order is not doing so for fraudulent purposes. We work with all applicable agencies to prevent and/or report fraudulent or suspicious activity.