Per Diem/Expense Entry/Edit Form The Per Diem/Expenses Entry/Edit Form allows you to View, Add, Edit or Delete Per Diem and Expenses.
As shown above, the active COMPANY is "The xyz company #99". The user is viewing (Browse mode) the Expense for and Employee#/Invoice# "42827", which has been defined as "NON TAX PERDIEM". Note: When you select a Per Diem/Expense record from the LIST control (click on a line) in the upper portion of the Form, the associated Per Diem/Expense record will be displayed in the bottom portion of the Form. You may also delete a Per Diem/Expense record by highlighting a Per Diem/Expense line and clicking the DELETE key. Clicking on the Column heading will sort the list by that Column, Clicking again on the column will toggle the sort order (Ascending vs. Descending). Note: Although this form contains predefined controls, they may be configured to meet your specific "Business Rules". See Validation Methods for more information on customizing controls. See The Mouse verses the Enter/Tab Keys for information on moving through a form. See Importing Data for information on importing initial data. As the name implies, the Per Diem/Expense Form allows entering either Per Diem records or "Other" expenses. A Per Diem/Expense record is a non-worked expense that needs to be included in the total billing amount. Per diem is a benefit given to an employee who is working away from home. This per diem amount may be included on their paycheck, yet is not a part of their Timecard. Other expenses may include items such as reimbursements, equipment charges, supplies, etc. Note: Unlike most entry/edit forms where the record can be looked up by the entry made in the first control, the Perdiem/Expense record uses the first three controls (TYPE, #, and DATE) to create a unique lookup combination.
Per Diem/Expenses Maintenance: To Add a new Per Diem/Expense: 1. Select Maintenance|Perdiem/Expenses from top menu bar or go to the Home Menu, Click the "Codes" button, then "Perdiem/Expenses" button on the Codes Menu 2. Click ADD on the SIDE
TOOLBAR or 3. Complete the form as described below. After the last Entry is completed, the record will be saved automatically. To Edit an existing Per Diem/Expense: 1. Select Maintenance|Perdiem/Expenses from top menu bar or go to the Home Menu, Click the "Codes" button, then "Perdiem/Expenses" button on the Codes Menu 2. Enter the values of the TYPE, # and DATE of the record you wish to edit. All three entries must be completed in order to locate an existing record. Once you have entered the appropriate data into all three controls, the Per Diem/Expense will be displayed (assuming a matching entry is located). Additionally, you can use the RECORD buttons to locate a particular Per Diem/Expense or select the Perdiem/Expense from the LIST control in the upper portion of the Form. 3. Complete any changes needed as described below. Tabbing past the last entry, moving records or clicking ADD or OK on one of the TOOLBARS will validate and save your changes. To Delete an existing Per Diem/Expense: 1. Select Maintenance|Perdiem/Expenses from top menu bar or go to the Home Menu, Click the "Codes" button, then "Perdiem/Expenses" button on the Codes Menu 2. . Enter the values of the TYPE, # and DATE of the record you wish to edit. All three entries must be completed in order to locate an existing record. Once you have entered the appropriate data into all three controls, the Per Diem/Expense will be displayed (assuming a matching entry is located). Additionally, you can use the RECORD buttons to locate a particular Per Diem/Expense or select the Per Diem/Expense from the LIST control in the upper portion of the Form. 3. Click the DELETE button on the SIDE TOOLBAR or
See Edit Modes for more information on the Edit modes used by most CCS forms. The Controls of the Per Diem/Expenses Form: Note: The values shown below in square brackets represent the default range applicable to each control; however, these ranges can be configured to allow additional values (or restrict values). See Validation Methods for more information. A check mark in this box will limit the fields to the most current week. If unchecked, the fields will include all weeks that may be applicable to this form. There are three possible entries in this field. The first two indicate a per diem expense; the third one marks an entry as a non-per diem expense: <D>: Distant per diem: a payment to an employee who is traveling. <L>: Local per diem: a payment to an employee who is not traveling. <R>: Employee reimbursements. <O>: Other expense: a billable expense other than per diem.
Employee#/Invoice#:[1 to 6 numeric characters] If you entered a D or L above, then enter the employee number who is being represented by this per diem record; otherwise, enter the invoice # for this "Other" expense record. Enter the week ending date for the payroll period this record will affect. Job:[3 alphanumeric characters] Enter the JOB # that this record will affect. The JOB # entry determines how this expense will be allocated: 1. If you enter a JOB # that has been flagged as an OVERHEAD JOB (see the Job Form for details), then this expense will be allocated to all non-overhead jobs on the billing reports. 2. If you enter a JOB # of 000, this entry will be allocated into all JOBS including OVERHEAD JOBS. 3. If you enter any other JOB #, this expense will be allocated to this JOB and this JOB alone. Generally, per diem records are entered in the JOB to which the employee is assigned; "Other" expenses are entered either in an Overhead job or in the Job that incurred the expense. Note: See Allocation below for more detail on allocation of expenses. Per Diem Expense: Enter the number of days that the employee is to receive per diem in the payroll period. Other Expense: Enter the quantity of items to be enumerated. (You may, of course, just enter 1, followed by the total amount of the invoice in the AMOUNT control.) Per Diem Expense: Enter the amount of per diem paid for each day. Other Expense: Enter the amount for one item. If, for example, you bought ten reams of paper @$1.00 per ream, you would put '10' in the QUANTITY control and '1.00' in this control. Note:The total will be calculated automatically based on the quantity times the amount. Description:[1 to 25 alphanumeric characters] The DESCRIPTION is used to further describe the Per Diem/Expense record. This description will appear on the Per Diem/Expense reports.
After you complete the Above Entry, the Per Diem/Expense will automatically be validated and saved. Click OK on the SIDE TOOLBAR when you are ready to close the Per Diem/Expenses form. Note: If you used the Add mode and not the Define mode to create a Per Diem/Expense you will need to press the ESC key or click CANCEL when you are done adding Per Diem/Expenses. This is necessary because once you start the ADD mode anywhere in the CCS Programs the add mode is automatically reinstated for you after each save until you cancel it or close the Form.
Situations exist where certain expenses (usually per diem) repeat for multiple weeks. You might, for example, have a job that occurs off premises for several consecutive days, thereby qualifying each of the employees in that job for some type of per diem. The COPY button saves you the tedium of having to input a new, identical Per Diem record for each employee. Here are the steps involved, using the off-site job as an example: 1. Create a Per Diem Expense record for each of the employees in the job. Verify that each record is correct. 2. Process the data in the normal manner for the current week ending. 3. To duplicate the existing Per Diem records for the employees in this job for the next week ending period, click on the COPY button. The following screen appears: 4. Fill in the parameter controls as required. When you are satisfied that the parameters for copying the Per Diem to the new week ending are correctly entered into the Copy Expense & Per diem records form, click on the Copy button at the bottom of the form. CCS TK will create a copy of every Per Diem record that falls within the parameters you established on this form. NOTE: Once Expense & Per Diem records have been COPIED, the process cannot be reversed. You would have to either restore the data from backup or correct/delete each COPIED record one at a time. The Controls of the Copy Expense & Per Diem Records Form: Note: The values shown below in square brackets represent the default range applicable to each control; however, these ranges can be configured to allow additional values (or restrict values). See Validation Methods for more information. Source Week Ending:[MM/DD/YYYY] Enter the Week Ending Date for the Expense/Per Diem records that are to be copied. Destination Week Ending:[MM/DD/YYYY] Enter the Week Ending Date that is to be used for the new Expense/Per Diem records. Employee Range From:[1 to 6 numeric characters] If you want to copy Expense/PerDiem records for a group of employees whose Employee Numbers are consecutive, enter the beginning Employee Number here. Employee Range Through:[1 to 6 numeric characters] If you want to copy Expense/PerDiem records for a group of employees whose Employee Numbers are consecutive, enter the ending Employee Number here. If only one employee is involved, put the same Employee Number here that you put in the Employee Range From. Invoice Range From:[1 to 6 numeric characters] If you want to copy Expense/PerDiem records for a range of Invoices that are consecutively numbered, enter the beginning Invoice Number here. Invoice Range Through:[1 to 6 numeric characters] If you want to copy Expense/PerDiem records for a range of Invoices that are consecutively numbered, enter the ending Invoice Number here. If only one invoice is involved, put the same Invoice Number here that you put in the Invoice Range From. Job Range From:[1 to 3 alphanumeric characters] If you want to copy Expense/PerDiem records for a range of JOBS that are consecutively labelled, enter the beginning Job Number here. Job Range Through:[1 to 3 alphanumeric characters] If you want to copy Expense/PerDiem records for a range of JOBS that are consecutively labelled, enter the ending Job Number here. If only one JOB is involved, put the same Job Number here that you put in the Job Range From. TYPE:[D,L,O] If you only want one specific TYPE of Expense/Per Diem, enter the appropriate value here.
Copy Expense & Per Diem Records Example: Your company is sending a crew of five employees to another city that is 250 miles away for some specialized repair to some equipment. You create a special JOB for this task and assign #311 to it. Each employee is entitled to $65 per day for food and lodging. Furthermore, one employee is renting a vehicle for local transportation. She is entitled to $40 per day for the vehicle. The job begins week ending 12/03/2000 and continues through week ending 12/21/2000. Here are the steps that you would perform: 1. You create a Per Diem record for each of the employees in JOB 311 for Week Ending 12/03/2000 as described above. Each Per Diem record would have a Quantity of 5 so as to handle Monday throught Friday. 2. You create an Expense Record for the rental vehicle, again with a Quantity of 5 to take care of the entire week. 3. For the Week Ending 12/10/2000, you go to the Per Diem section of CCS TK, but you do not ADD a new Per Diem & Expense Record. (You could do so, of course, but it would not be efficient.) Instead, you click on the COPY button. 4. The table, below, shows how you would complete the Copy Per Diem & Expense Records controls:
5. Click on COPY to create all of the Per Diem records and the one Expense record for the new Week Ending. 6. For the Week Ending 12/17/2000, you repeat steps 3 - 5, above, changing only the Destination Week Ending to 12/17/2000 instead of 12/10/2000.
About allocation of expenses and overhead labor. The CCS TK program utilizes powerful algorithms to allocate overhead labor, per diem and expenses to all other non-overhead jobs. An overhead job is generally comprised of employees who are responsible for the management of other jobs (Accounting, HR, Payroll etc.). An overhead job is designated as such by checking the OVERHEAD control of the Job Form. You can have several overhead JOBS. When a JOB is marked as "Overhead", any labor, per diem or expenses posted to the JOB will not appear in the overhead job, but will be applied to the non-overhead jobs on many of the billing reports. Prior to printing any report that utilizes the allocation logic, a prompt will be displayed, asking if you wish to "Reallocate expenses". Selecting "Yes" will allocate the overhead labor and expenses based on the ratio of each job's total hours divided by the total hours of all non-overhead jobs. Selecting "No" will use the allocation calculations last performed. Formula: The formula for allocating overhead job expenses into each non-overhead job for any week-ending period is as follows: Allocation Amount = Total Overhead Dollars * (Total Job Hours / Grand Total Job Hours) Total Overhead Dollars: The sum of the dollar amounts for all JOBS marked as OVERHEAD for the current week ending period. Total Job Hours: The sum of the hours for one non-overhead JOB for the current week ending period. Grand Total Job Hours: The sum of the hours for all non-overhead JOBS for the current week ending period. The formula might be translated into words as follows: The amount of total overhead allocated to each JOB is the percent that each JOB's total # of hours represents of all non-overhead JOB total # of hours times the total overhead expenses. Example: You have three jobs defined. The current week ending billing for for these jobs is as follows:
When you run the "Invoice Summary Report" for this week and opt to allow CCS TK to reallocate expenses, the $1200.00 of overhead will be allocated as follows:
These amounts were derived as follows: JOB 100: 50 (Total Job Hours) / (50 + 400 (Grand Total Job Hours)) * $1200 (Total Overhead Dollars)= Job 100's portion of the of the overhead. JOB 200: 400 / (50 + 400) * $1200 = Job 200's portion of the overhead. Thus all overhead allocation logic is based on non-overhead labor hours worked, and not on non-overhead dollars billed. Note: The above example demonstrates the allocation on a report were only the totals of each job are printed. Reports that break down costs into smaller groups also allocate based on the smaller grouping. This is best seen by printing the "Reference Code Listing".