Training TITLES Entry/Edit Form
The TITLES Entry/Edit Form allows you to View, Add, Edit or Delete TITLES. A TITLE is a user defined entity that describes a specific training item such as "CPR Training", "Fire Prevention Training", "Orientation" etc. Each Training TITLE is associated with one or more TAGS. This association determines who is required to have the training (if anyone). Be sure to read How it all works before adding new TITLES.
As depicted above, the active COMPANY is "The XYZ COMPANY #99", the user is viewing (Browse mode) the TITLE "PP5" which has been defined with a description of "Portable Fire extinguishers". This TITLE is required by OSHA 1910.157 and will require a refresher every 12 months. The TITLE is associated with several TAGS including "SETY", "SPVS", "STEC" and "WELD" (additional TAGS are not shown). These TAGS determine which EMPLOYEES are required to complete the training topic "Portable Fire Extinguishers". For example: Any EMPLOYEE who has "SETY" in their EMPLOYEE TAGS List (regardless of what the TAG stands for) is required to complete this training before they are qualified in TAG "SETY", and will be considered delinquent until they receive the training. Note: When you select a TITLE from the LIST control (click on a line) in the upper portion of the form, the associated TITLE will be displayed in the bottom portion of the form. You may also delete TITLES by highlighting a TITLE and clicking the DELETE key. Clicking on the Column heading will sort the list by that Column. Note: Although this form contains predefined controls, they may be configured to meet your specific "Business Rules". See Validation Methods for more information on customizing controls. See The Mouse verses the Enter/Tab Keys for information on moving through a form. See Importing Data for information on importing initial data. TITLES Maintenance: To Add a new TITLE: 1. Select Maintenance|TITLES from top menu bar or Go to the Home Menu. And Click the "TITLES" button on the Home Menu. 2. Click ADD on the SIDE
TOOLBAR or 3. Complete the Form as described below. After the last Entry is completed, the record will be saved automatically. To Edit an existing TITLE: 1. Select Maintenance|TITLES from top menu bar or go to the Home Menu. And Click the "TITLES" button on the Home Menu. 2. . Enter the TITLE ID for the TITLE you wish to edit in the TITLE ID Control. Press ENTER. If the TITLE exists it will be displayed in the TITLES Form. (To search alphabetically by Title Name, see Alpha Search.) Additionally, you can use the RECORD buttons to locate a particular TITLE or select the TITLE from the LIST control in the upper portion of the Form. 3. Complete any changes needed as described below. Tabbing past the last entry, moving records or clicking ADD or OK on one of the TOOLBARS will validate and save your changes. To Delete an existing TITLE: 1. Select Maintenance|TITLES from top menu bar or go to the Home Menu. And Click the "TITLES" button on the Home Menu. 2. . Enter the TITLE ID you wish to delete in the TITLE ID, Press ENTER. If the TITLE exists it will be displayed in the TITLES Form. Additionally, you can use the RECORD buttons to locate a particular TITLE or select TITLE from the LIST control in the upper portion of the Form. 3. Click the DELETE button on the SIDE TOOLBAR or See Edit Modes for more information on the Edit modes used by most CCS forms. See Importing Data for information on importing initial data. The Controls of the TITLES Form: Note: The values shown below in square brackets represent the default range applicable to each control, however these ranges can be configured to allow additional values (or restrict values). See Validation Methods for more information. TITLE ID:[1 to 10 alphanumeric characters, case insensitive] The TITLE ID is a unique 10 character case insensitive alphanumeric column used to identify a particular training TITLE throughout the program, therefor careful consideration should be given when assigning TITLE ID's to insure that the ID is as meaningful as possible . TITLE NAME:[1 to 25 alphanumeric characters] The TITLE NAME is used to describe the training TITLE. This NAME will appear on most reports pertaining to training TITLES. The refresher Months is a numeric entry that determines how long (in months) of an interval between retraining requirements for this TITLE. That is, after an EMPLOYEE receives this training, how many months is it good for. If not applicable (once is enough) enter 999. Note: Entering '0' would cause the retraining to be immediately due (This logic can be used with Refresher TAGS -- see below). The Refresher TAG works in conjunction with the refresher Months Column. It is used when retraining is to be done via a different TITLE or Series of TITLES. When (and if) a refresher becomes due for a particular TITLE and that TITLE has a Refresher TAG, then the CCS Training Program will do the following. 1. Automatically place the REFRESHER TAG in all EMPLOYEES' TAG List that are currently due for retaining in the TITLE. 2. Update the EMPLOYEES' Training Status records to reflect they now need (are required to have) any training associated with the newly added TAG. 3. Consider the Refresher training for the TITLE (the original TITLE that contained the refresher TAG) as Completed. REQUIRED BY is a 15 character text entry used to specify which agency (OSHA, DOT, EPA, NONE etc.) that is mandating (or requesting) this training. Possible valid entries for this column are controlled by the TREQUIRED_BY validation rule. Select one of the Items in the List using the mouse, or manually type a valid entry in and click TAB.
Also referred to as the TITLES TAGS Listing. This is where TAGS and TITLES come together. The Applicable TAGS List links the TITLE to one or more TAGS. (Creating a TITLE without any TAGS is also valid and will cause the training TITLE to be available but not required.). TAGS are Linked to EMPLOYEES via the TAGS list in the EMPLOYEES Entry/Edit Form The two LIST work together to create a joining of EMPLOYEES to training. Simply stated any EMPLOYEE who has a particular TAG is required to have ALL training TITLES that have that same TAG in this TAGS LIST. This mechanism provides an infinitely flexible means of specifying which EMPLOYEES are required to have what training. You may enter any number of TAGS in the TAGS list. Simply type the TAG ID in the EDIT portion of the LIST and press the INSERT key. (The TAG will be added to the List and the cursor will remain in the EDIT portion). Continue to enter TAGS in this manner until all TAGS have been entered. Once done, simply Press ENTER or TAB (without typing a new TAG) and the cursor will move on. (Of course you can always use the mouse to move to another Control). To delete a TAG from the list use the mouse (and the scroll bar if necessary) to highlight the TAG to be removed (or type the TAG ID in the EDIT portion of the TAG list). Once the TAG is highlighted click the DELETE key. Rebuild All:[Checked or Not Checked] You can Add or Delete TAGS to the applicable TAGS list at any time irregardless of what training has already occurred or is currently scheduled. Any training that is currently scheduled or is already completed will be unaffected by any change in TAGS. New requirements will be based on the new TAG associations. When you change TAGS to an existing TITLE or when you check REBUILD ALL, the reevaluate routines will automatically be scheduled as as soon as you close the TITLES Form. This reevaluation will update all Training Requirements for all EMPLOYEES based on the new TAGS to TITLES association.
The REGULATION identifiers applicable to the Agency(s) that you entered in the REQUIRED BY column. For example: The training TITLE depicted above is required by OSHA 1910.157. Generally Req.#1 is a required entry. Enter "NONE" or NA if not applicable. Use Reg#2 - Reg#8 to add additional regulation identifiers. Note: Most reports show the 1st two or three Regs. This information is not used by the CCS Training Program in any manner other than reporting and is for information purposes only, however via the CCS Reporting Criteria Entry Form, you print reports that select and sort on the entries made in these columns. Note: Most CCS Predefined reports that report on TITLES will print the 1st two or three regs. only. When additional regs have been entered here and the report does not print all of them the + (plus) symbol will be displayed after the last printed regulation. After you have complete the Above entry, the TITLE and all associated TAGS will be validated and saved, click OK on the SIDE TOOLBAR when you are ready to close the TITLES form. Note: If you used the Add mode and not the Define mode to create a TITLES you will need to press the ESC key orclick CANCEL when you are done adding TITLES. This is necessary because once you start the ADD mode anywhere in the CCS Training Program it is automatically reinstated for you after each save until you cancel it or close the Form.