Company documents represent a "Window" into a company's data. Each company has one or more Company Documents. The fields of the WELCOME SCREEN determine the Module (Payroll, Training etc.) and the Company that will use the document. Documents are stored on your disk drive in the USER directory with a .ccs extension. If you double click on one of these files, the CCS Accounting program will start up with the module and company that is specified within the document. Thus you could create a shortcut directly to a specific Company by copying the proper .ccs file to your Windows desktop. Note: The actual data for each company is stored in an ODBC datasource; company documents contain the module, company, and other attributes that determine how the data will be presented. These settings may include the colors of a text box, the size of a form, etc. Each company and module combination should have its own document, so that you can display and manipulate multiple companies and modules during the same session of CCS Accounting. Each of the opened Companies will reside in its own window, allowing you to quickly switch between Companies using the WINDOW command or by changing the COMPANY number at the WELCOME SCREEN. Using either technique, you can view information from several companies or even cut and paste data from one to the other (even if they are oceans apart). Additionally, you can open the same COMPANY multiple times by creating several COMPANY DOCUMENTS for the same COMPANY. Using this approach, it is possible to view the same "Form" or "Table" at two different locations within the same database. Note: When you enter the CCS Accounting program, CCS Accounting will automatically load the last used COMPANY DOCUMENT for you. If you do not have multiple companies or plan to open multiple occurrences, then you need not understand COMPANY DOCUMENTS and may elect to skip the following. Generally each COMPANY should have one COMPANY DOCUMENT. This greatly simplifies opening Companies and COMPANY DOCUMENTS. Given this setup, COMPANY DOCUMENTS need not be fully understood: CCS Accounting will create the COMPANY DOCUMENTS for you, and switching from one COMPANY to another will be transparent. However for the more daring, the following is presented. When you switch to a different COMPANY via its COMPANY Number at the WELCOME SCREEN, the program attempts to locate and open its default Document. If the program is unable to locate a COMPANY DOCUMENT for the COMPANY, an "Open Dialog" will be displayed asking you to select a COMPANY DOCUMENT to use with the COMPANY you are attempting to access. Each COMPANY's default COMPANY DOCUMENT is determined by the Default Document Name field of the COMPANY Entry/Edit dialog and will default to the "Module Name" + "Company Name" + ".CCS". To Change the default Document used by a COMPANY: 1) Go to the WELCOME SCREEN (if you are at the HOME MENU click on COMPANY). 2) Select EDIT from the tool bar on the right (or left) side of your screen. This will cause the COMPANY Form to be displayed. 3) Select the COMPANY you want to change by entering its COMPANY number in the COMPANY# field (or select it from the drop down list), and press ENTER. The program will either locate the requested COMPANY or allow you to create the COMPANY if it does not already exist. 4) Select the Page 2 tab. 5) Change the text in the Default COMPANY Name field. 6) Click OK on the SIDE TOOLBAR. Note: Moving to a new record automatically saves any changes you made. This is true anywhere within the program. The next time you enter the program and switch companies via the COMPANY Number, the newly selected COMPANY DOCUMENT will be loaded. When you create new Companies, the Default Document Name will default to the COMPANY's name + .ccs. You may change this value at that time as well. When a new COMPANY is created and you open it (enter past the Password Field or click the Open button on the left (or right) toolbar), a "Save As" dialog will be displayed. To save a copy of the currently active COMPANY DOCUMENT for the new COMPANY simply click the Save button and the program will save the Current Document using the name selected by the Default Document Name field. Alternatively, you can select and open COMPANY DOCUMENTS directly by choosing a COMPANY DOCUMENT from the File|Open menu or the list of recently opened COMPANY DOCUMENTS under the File menu. These two methods bypass the Default Document logic since you are selecting a specific COMPANY DOCUMENT by name without regard to its associated COMPANY. Note: Since it is possible to switch the COMPANY that is associated with a COMPANY DOCUMENT, always check the COMPANY# and Name when you open a COMPANY DOCUMENT via this method. CCS Accounting supports up to 100 companies per Datasource (Companies 00-99). There is no limit to the number of Datasources or COMPANY DOCUMENTS you can define and use. Note:By default COMPANY 00 and 99 are used by the CCS Setup COMPANY and the XYZ Sample COMPANY; they may, however, be used for real data if needed.