Use the Context Help command to obtain help on some portion of CCS Accounting. When you choose the Toolbar's Context Help button, the mouse pointer will change to an arrow and a question mark. Click somewhere in the CCS Accounting window, such as another Toolbar button. The Help topic will be shown for the item you clicked. Shortcut Keys: SHIFT+F1 Note: See Help Text in the Fields Entry/Edit Form to change the Text that is displayed in the popup window. Note: Pressing F1 will generally yield Context Sensitive help based on the current location of the cursor. Right Click When you right click in any Edit control, the following menu will pop up: What's This?: When you select this option from the right-click menu, you will see a context-sensitive help message that explains how the selected control functions and, perhaps, what type of data it expects. The help topic that you see is the same one that you view if you use the Context Help Button. Cut, Copy, Paste: These options provide the standard Windows functionality for these commands. Consult your Windows Help for details. Delete: Clicking on this option will cause any highlighted text in the target control to be deleted. Select All: Clicking on this option will cause all of the text in the target control to be highlighted. Find: Clicking on this option causes a Find window to pop up: The example pictured above was generated from the Employee Name field. Clicking on the Find Next button will cause the program to find the next record in which the Employee Name begins with "Harris." You can search through an entire table in this manner, finding all occurrences of the search string. Replace: Clicking on this option causes a Replace window to pop up: The REPLACE facility functions like any standard Windows Find and Replace option. Consult your Windows Help for details. NOTE: Use the Replace All button VERY CAREFULLY. Unanticipated substitutions can easily occur if you do not inspect each replacement before it takes place. Use the Find Next & Replace buttons to inspect each replacement. Validation: See Validation Form.