TIMECARD TO PAYCHECK LINK FORM The Timecard to Paycheck Link option provides you with a very flexible tool for further customizing Earnings and Deduction Codes. This form is accessed by clicking on Codes in the Home Menu, clicking on Links in the Codes Menu, and then clicking on Timecards to Paycheck in the Links Menu. Overview Timecard to Paycheck Links are designed to allow you to automate tasks that, for one reason or another, could not be readily accomplished via the normal link of timecards to paychecks which use codes 4 and 8 for regualr and overtime. The above-pictured Link is a good example. All of Mr. Ratliff's regular hours will be paid according to the Regular Hours Code assigned to him (normally 004). However, with the above Link in place, Mr. Ratliff's regular hours worked for Job 130 (PIPING/FAB SHOP) will be calculated based on Earning Code 122 (defined as Special Regular in the sample company). (His Overtime is not affected since 008 is the default Overtime Code.) NOTE: Timecard to Paycheck Links take absolute precedence over Earnings and Deduction Codes. The Controls of the TIMECARDS TO PAYCHECK LINK Form: Note: The values shown below in square brackets represent the default range applicable to each control; however, these ranges can be configured to allow additional values (or restrict values). See Validation Methods for more information. Enter the CLASS this Link record is associated with. If, for example, you want to define a link for Class 090, then enter "090" here. Enter "000" to define the default links for all Classes. Enter the shift this Link record is associated with. If, for example, you want this link to apply only to Shift 1, then enter "1" here.. Enter "0" to define the default links for all shifts. Enter the Employee number this link record is associated. If, for example, you want to define a link that only applies to Employee 123, then enter "123" here. Enter "0" to define the default links for all Employees. (NOTE: You can enter the beginning of the Employee's last name and select him/her from an alpha list.) Enter the JOB this Link record is associated with. If, for example, you want to define a link that only applies to Job 310, then enter "310" here. Enter "000" to define the default links for all Jobs. Enter the Client this link record is associated. If, for example, you want to define a link that only applies to Client 0456, then enter "000456" here. Enter "000000" to define the default links for all Clients. Enter the Regular Time Earnings Code that this override will link to. In the above-pictured example, the user wants Code 122 to override the regular pay Code whenever the other parameters are met. Note: Only codes having a type of 03 or 10 can be used effectively here. Enter the Overtime Earnings Code that this override will link to. In the above-pictured example, the user wants Code 008 to override the overtime pay Code whenever the other parameters are met. Since 008 (code 8) is the default Overtime Code, the employee's overtime will not be affected by this link.Only codes having a type of 03 or 11 can be used effectively here. Enter an optional Description (or reason) for this Link Override.
Note: When a timecard is created. It stamps a rate, (both regular. and overtime). This rate is generally obtained from the class file. The rate stamped on the timecard will become the rate transferred to the associated paycheck line item, if you have checked "Always use payrates from class" on the employee's rates tab. The use of classes is however optional and you may elect two other methods to determine the rates that will be used for the link between paychecks and timecards. 1) Use a code with a type of "03 -- Rate of regular pay" in which case, the employee's default payrate (as entered the employee file) will always be used for the basis of calculations. (The value in the amount field will be ignored). 2) Use a code with a type of "10 - Variable rate Reg." or "11 - Variable rate Ovr". in conjunction with a link override as depicted above. These two codes allow a powerful multi-rate system, without the use of the class file. The amount you enter in the AMOUNT field of a type code 10 or 11 code, becomes the rate used (instead of the employee's default) rate, and is multiplied by the number of hours on the timecard. This sum, become the total on the paycheck detail line item. To use the above picture. If code 122 where defined as a type 10, and given the amount of 22.50, then anytime Employee 47644 worked on job 130, it would be at a rate of 22.50/hour. Note: If you use a type code 10 or 11 with no amount (you entered a 0.00 in the amount field), then the employee's default rate will be used in the same manner as if it where a type code 03.