VALIDATION METHODS Validation Methods, also commonly referred to as business rules, determine whether or not a field contains valid data. If the data is not valid, an error occurs and an error message is displayed. The error message is the text of the Validation Error Message column, if specified, or the text of the expression specified by the Validation Method itself. The Validation routines are run each time an attempt to update a record occurs, i.e., when a form is saved. Validation Methods are not hardwired, but are fully configurable by the user. This allows you to tailor your CCS Accounting Program to fit your exact needs. In addition to determining the validity of a particular field, the validation routines can be used to actually control the flow of the program, including manipulating forms within the module, calling DLL's, running batch files, etc. This feature, which we call "Intelligent Fields," provides an incredibly powerful and highly extensible environment that allows you to pick up where we left off. These features are implemented via a simple Scripting Language we call CCS Script. Using this script, you can make a few tweaks to the predefined methods or write your own Accounting system--the power is there if you need it. The simplest way to edit a control's VALIDATION method is to right click a control, and then select VALIDATION from the pop-up menu. Validation Methods are entered via the Validation Form.