EMPLOYEE Training Tab
Also referred to as the EMPLOYEES TAGS List.
TAGS are applied to EMPLOYEES via this tab. The Applicable TAGS List links the EMPLOYEE to one or more TAGS. (Creating an EMPLOYEE without any TAGS is also valid however the EMPLOYEE will not be required to have any training.) Once you give an EMPLOYEE a TAG the EMPLOYEE is required to have all training associated with the TAG. TAGS are Linked to Training (TITLES) via the TAGS list in the TITLES Entry/Edit FORM. The two LIST work together to create a joining of EMPLOYEES to training. Simply stated any EMPLOYEE who has a particular TAG is required to have ALL training TITLES that have that same TAG in their TAGS LIST. This mechanism provides an infinitely flexible means of specifying which EMPLOYEES are required to have what training. You may enter any number of TAGS in the TAGS list. Simply type the TAG ID in the EDIT portion of the LIST and press the INSERT key. (The TAG will be added to the List and the cursor will remain in the EDIT portion). Continue to enter TAGS in this manner until all TAGS have been entered. Once done, simply Press ENTER or TAB (without typing a new TAG) and the cursor will move on. (Of course you can always use the mouse to move to another Control). To delete a TAG from the list use the mouse (and the scroll bar if necessary) to highlight the TAG to be removed (or type the TAG ID in the EDIT portion of the TAG list). Once the TAG is highlighted click the DELETE key.
When you Click Auto Add Tags, the training program will update the Employees Tags list based on the Craft, Class, and Crew ranges you have entered for the employee. The Following logic is incorporated in this process. 1. If you are in the edit mode and have made changes to the Craft, Class or Crew, any tags that were associated with the employee based on the old values of these three fields will be removed. 2. In the Add or Edit mode, the values entered for the Craft, Class or Crew are compared against the Craft, Class and Crew ranges of each each tag, those tags which have filters that are inclusive of all three fields in the employee form are added to the Employee Tags List. Note: An Employee's Existing Tags are not removed if they do not fit within the range of either the old or newly entered values for their Craft, Class or Crew. In otherwards, If a Tag is entered for an employee and the tag's ranges fall outside of the employees Craft, Class or Crew, then the program will not delete the Tag. This allows you to manually add Tags for individual employees without regard to their Craft, Class or Crew. As a result, if you Change an employees Craft, Class or Crew, Click Update Tags, then prior to saving the Employee record, change the Craft, Class and Crew back, then Clicking Update Tags again will not remove any newly entered tags since they no longer fall within the range of the original values or newly entered values of the Craft, Class or Crew (which are now the same.) This functionality is by design. If you wish to remove a Tag from all employees, without regard to their Class, Craft or Crew, use the Remove Tag utility which removes the tag from all employees. Or use the Add Tags utility to add the tag to only those employees who meet the Craft, Class and Crew ranges. Note: By default, the validation logic "Clicks" this button for you when you are in the ADD MODE.
Reevaluate Training:[Checked or Not Checked] When you create a new EMPLOYEE or change TAGS to an existing EMPLOYEE the Reevaluate Training Checkbox is automatically checked for you. You can check or UN-check this box as well. When checked the reevaluate routines will automatically be scheduled as soon as you save the current record, updating all Training Requirements for the EMPLOYEE based on the new TAGS. Reevaluate All EMPLOYEES:[Checked or Not Checked] Same as Reevaluate Training, however you must manually check this box. If checked all EMPLOYEES are reevaluated. This process may take several hours for very large databases.
List individual Training Only:[Checked or Not Checked] The Training Status table contains a summary of all training requirements and all training that has been scheduled or completed (successful or otherwise). This table is a read only table in that you do not make changes directly to the training status table, all updates are done by the CCS Training Program. When you click this check box the Training List (tabbed page 2) in the upper portion of the EMPLOYEE Form will display the Training status for the currently select EMPLOYEE only (this is the default). When you change the active EMPLOYEE in the bottom form, the upper list will be reloaded to reflect the training of the newly selected EMPLOYEE. When you UN-check this checkbox all training records for all EMPLOYEES will be listed. (The Program generally limits this to the first 500 records or so.). Note:You can delete a training status line item for an EMPLOYEE by highlighting a line in the training LIST and clicking the DELETE key. The program will then rebuild that line, the next time one of the reevaluation routines run. If you have not defined any Custom Controls, then after you complete the Above Entry, all entries will be automatically saved. Click OK when you are ready to close the form. Note: If you used the Add mode and not the Define mode to create an EMPLOYEE you will need to press the ESC key or click CANCEL when you are done adding EMPLOYEES . This is necessary because once you start the ADD mode anywhere in the CCS Training Program it is automatically reinstated for you after each save until you cancel it or close the form.