ODBC DataSources Entry/Edit Form

The ODBC DataSources Entry/Edit Form allows you to View, Add, Edit, Delete, or Change Data Sources.




Please see Remote Access for recommendations on both LAN and Remote Access configurations.


As depicted above, the user has selected DataGroup #99, which he or she has designated as a remote VPN Data Source. See Data Sources for a discussion of Data Sources and how they are utilized in CCS.

Note: When you select an ODBC Data Source from the LIST control (by clicking on a line), the associated Data Source record will be displayed in the bottom portion of the Form. You may also delete CODES by highlighting a CODE and clicking the DELETE key. Clicking on a Column heading will sort the list by that Column; clicking again on the column header will toggle the sort order (Ascending vs. Descending). For example, if you wanted the above data sorted by name, click on the Control Source Name column header and the data will be alphabetized from A to Z (Ascending). Click again on the column header and the data will be seen from Z to A (Descending).

NOTE: The following logic applies only if you are using the default MS-Access driver. If you are using MS-SQL, Oracle, or any other database driver, the "AUTO" logic explained below does not apply.

When you create a new Company and leave the Data Group ID set to "AUTO", a new ODBC Data Source is created and linked as follows:

  1. A new DSN is created with a Data Group ID equal to the Company Number, a Control Source Name always equal to "CCSCNTRL", and a Data Source Name equal to "CCSDATA" + the Company Number.
  2. A new data file is created in the ...\CCSWin\ODBC folder named "CCSDATA" + Company Number + ".mdb". All of the data for that company will be maintained in this file.
  3. An entry is made into the CCS DataSourses table to link the data file to the DSN.
  4. In the Company table, the "AUTO" is replaced by the Company Number.

The net result is that each company defined as "AUTO" will have a separate DSN on the workstation and a separate data file on the server. If another workstation tries to access the new company, CCS will, in the background, create the proper DSN for the new Data Source. The program checks for three conditions before creating the DSN:

  1. The Company record must exist, properly mapped to a Data Group.
  2. The Data Group must be defined and linked to a data file.
  3. The data file (an .MDB file by default) must exist.

Note: Although this form contains predefined controls, they may be configured to meet your specific "Business Rules." See Validation Methods for more information on customizing controls.

See The Mouse verses the Enter/Tab Keys for information on moving through a form.

ODBC Data Source Maintenance:

To Add a new DATA SOURCE:

1. Select File|Configure Datasources from top menu bar.

2. Enter the new DataGroup # in the DataGroup control.

3. Complete the form as described below. After the last Entry is completed, the record will be saved automatically.

To Edit an existing DATA SOURCE:

1. Select File|Configure Datasources from top menu bar.

2. . Enter the DATA GROUP NUMBER you wish to edit in the DataGroup # Control. Press ENTER. If the DATAGROUP exists, it will be displayed in the Form. Additionally, you can use the RECORD buttons to the right of the controls to locate a particular DATA GROUP or select the DATA GROUP from the LIST control in the upper portion of the Form.

3. Complete any changes needed as described below. Tabbing past the last entry, moving records or clicking the Save button will validate and save your changes.

To Delete an existing DATA SOURCE:

In order to protect existing data, a Data Source cannot be deleted unless the user has adequate rights. To delete a Data Source, select the desired one. If the Delete button on the form is enabled, simply click on it and confirm the deletion. If the Delete button is not enabled, you do not have the right to perform this function.

See Edit Modes for more information on the Edit modes used by most CCS forms.

The Controls of the DATA SOURCE Form:

Note: The values shown below in square brackets represent the default range applicable to each control; however these ranges can be configured to allow additional values (or restrict values). See Validation Methods for more information.

DATAGROUP #:[0000-zzzz]

The DATA GROUP NUMBER maps to a Data Source name. "0" is the default Data Group # and the one that is normally used. See Company Form for more details.

DATA SOURCE NAME FOR CONTROL TABLES:[1-50 Alphanumeric characters]

Enter a unique name that identifies this data source. You should always enter 'CCSCNTRL' in this field--this is the default name of the tables that contain a database of all companies, as well as shared data on each company, including banking information, signature graphics etc.

REMOTE (CONTROL TABLES):[Checked or unchecked]

For local access and LAN access, you would not want either the Control Tables or data tables to be marked as Remote. If you are setting up a VPN connection over a slow network, you would mark the data tables as remote, and put a copy of the control tables on the local workstation, so they do not need to be accessed remotely. Note: VPN networks are supported, but are generally quite slow. Terminal Services is most often a better approach to Remote Access.


Normally you would want the Control Tables to be marked as Upgradeable. These files always reside on the server for a LAN; only VPN connections would have the Control Tables on the workstation and should, therefore, be locally upgraded every time you install a CCS Upgrade. (See Remote Access for further discussions on sharing data.)

DATA SOURCE NAME FOR DATA TABLES:[1-50 Alphanumeric characters]

Enter a unique name that identifies the data source for your accounting data. Unless you are defining Remote Access or have multiple ODBC Data Sources, you should enter 'CCSDATA00'.

REMOTE (DATA TABLES):[Checked or unchecked]

Check this control only if you are defining a VPN Remote Access Data Source. This control should never be checked on a Local Area Network or stand alone workstation.

NON-UPGRADEABLE (DATA TABLES):[Checked or unchecked]

Local Access: On a Local Area Network, all of the Data Files and programs should reside on the server. The 1st workstation to open a CCS Database after an update, will complete the configuration processes. This check box should only be checked, when you are setting up a VPN connection, and are at the remote computer.

VPN Remote Access: You should always check this control on a VPN Remote Access connection. Only in very unusual circumstances would you want a CCS Upgrade to be performed on the server via a remote connection.

See Remote Access for more details remote access concepts..